How to Create Website with a WordPress Theme

2 min readNov 12, 2021


When you start building a website with WordPress, you need to install a theme (also called a template) to publish your pages on the web. There are many theme companies which has number of templates.

If you have just discovered WordPress, here is a brief introduction before we get into the topic of themes.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a very popular free content management software (also called CMS) that allows you to create a website. It is currently used by more than 30% of all websites on the internet (source), powering sites as diverse as the New York Times, small business websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and institutional websites.

How can I create my website with WordPress?

You do not need any technical knowledge to do this. All you need to do is subscribe to a hosting plan.

Most hosting companies will pre-install WordPress for you when you sign up for a plan. For example, with Blue Host, you get WordPress and the Customizr theme pre-installed.
Once installed on your web host, you simply choose a WordPress theme (also called a template), like Generate Press, and start designing your website.

WordPress is really easy to use. You will quickly be able to create pages on the website.

How much does it cost?

WordPress itself is open source and free. You do not have to pay anything to use it, and it’s licensed under the GPLv2.

However, you will need to purchase a web domain name and, unless you have your own server, subscribe to a hosting plan that will cost you a few dollars per month for a basic plan, which is usually enough to get started hosting a website.

When you install WordPress, you can choose a free theme from the themes panel. After testing them, most WordPress users purchase a premium theme, which usually offers a better design and more customization features than the free themes.

Usually beginner blogger or business owners underestimate the importance of a good premium theme due due to some initial cost. But believe me that this initial cost will give you manifold return in the longer run. Still you are not comfortable with the price, there is a good news for you. You can get a massive discount on all the blogging tools including premium themes. Check here the Black Friday Sale on Premium WordPress Themes and get the benefit of this offer.




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